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Hormones 3 The Final Season - Character Introduction [Boss]

Hormones 3 The Final Season - Character Introduction [Boss]

Hello, I'm Boss. My full name is Prach** Atprajak. I was born on March 19, 1998. I'm currently a student at Nadao Bangkok; my student number is NDB 54193. This year I'll be in Grade 11, Room 5, studying in the Arts and Maths stream.
I bike to school. One thing I like is feeling the fresh air on my face as I pedal on. But the pleasantness of this experience might actually come from the endorphins that our bodies release during exercise.
I like to study English and Social Studies; but my favourite is probably English.
I guess I'm someone who doesn't have many close friends. There really aren't that many people who look at the world from my point of view. People always say that I'm too stressed out and serious. But that's not how it is for me. I just like to do the things that I do well and seriously.
Ter has been my best friend since junior high school. He understands; he knows what my idea of doing things seriously is like. Ter's studying Arts and Maths, too, but we're in different classrooms. The reason that he and I can get along is probably because he knows what he's talking about, and we can talk to one another frankly. But there's one area where we differ considerably. I'm not especially good at expressing myself. Ter is completely the opposite. All of this put together adds up to something like why we can be good friends.
When I have free time, what do I like to do? Well, I'm probably like everyone else. I've been in the Journalism Club... and also I... use the internet; I find stuff to read and read it. I prefer to listen, read, and write more than I like to speak.
I like to listen to other people's opinions and insights. People have different thoughts and views, and it's my belief that this contributes to society as a whole. This is something about us that's both interesting and terrifying at the same time.
** His first name means "sage" or "philosopher" (in a kind of old-school sense).

The photo for Boss describes him as frank. He is determined and serious-minded. He has a critical mind. He's confident in his own ideals and principles.

Credit to @bencanuck for the translation

Hormones 3 The Final Season - Character Introduction [Boss] Reviewed by Thai Series Guide on 10:01 PM Rating: 5

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